Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Florida Department of Management Services Essays

Florida Department of Management Services Essays Florida Department of Management Services Essay Florida Department of Management Services Essay Introduction In the early 1990s. the Florida Department of Management Services ( DMS ) had built up a big information systems web that served province authorities bureaus in 10 regional sites and connected these to the informations centre in Tallahassee. The web was based on the usage of the proprietary Systems Network Architecture ( SNA ) from IBM and a mainframe at the informations centre that housed most of the applications. Body 1. Analyze the security mechanisms needed to protect the DMS systems from both province employees and users accessing over the Internet. Two security mechanisms needed to protect the DMS systems are Virtual Private Networks and IP Security. Harmonizing to Stalling ( 2009 ) Virtual Private Networks ( VPN ) makes usage of encoding and particular protocols to supply security for those utilizing the Internet or some other public web to complect sites. These public webs provide an entree way for telecommuters and other nomadic employees to log on to corporate systems from distant sites. The province employees would hold to utilize the VPN to entree the DMS by authenticating utilizing their work certificates. IP Security ( IPSec ) provides the capableness to procure communications across a LAN. across private and public WANs and across the Internet. Some illustrations of IPSec are: ( 1 ) Secure subdivision office connectivity over the Internet: A company can construct a unafraid practical private web over the Internet or over a public WAN. This type of concern rely to a great extent on the Internet and cut down its demand for private webs. salvaging costs and web direction operating expense. : ( 2 ) Secure distant entree over the Internet: An terminal user whose system is equipped with IP security protocols can do a local call to an Internet service supplier ( ISP ) and gain secure entree to a company web. This reduces the cost of toll charges for going employees and telecommuters ; ( 3 ) set uping extranet and intranet connectivity with spouses: IPSec can be used to procure communicating with other organisations. guaranting hallmark and confidentiality and supplying a cardinal exchange mechanism ; ( 4 ) heightening electronic commercialism security: even though some Web and electronic commercialism applications have constitutional security protocols. the usage of IPSec enhances that security. IPSec guarantees that all traffic designated by the web decision maker is both encrypted and attested. adding an extra bed of security to whatever is provided at the application bed. Similarly. whether other industries give rise to domains in which competition takes topographic point in unfastened. intellectual-property-free infinites depends on assorted factors including the being in a infinite of companies with proprietary solutions and the presence of engineerings so complex they are vulnerable to inadvertent patent violation. ( Alexy. O. . A ; Reitzig. M. ( 2012 ) . 2. Review the passage procedure performed by the DMS in the instance survey. Then. urge two ( 2 ) options to the IP substructure or applications non already mentioned in the instance survey. What is at that place to review? All DMS did was put in some routers and configured them. Can person delight aid with this? Maturing Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) systems are able to incorporate concern systems with edifice direction systems for improved direction controls ( such as amalgamate dashboard-type coverage ) . Driven by concern demands for resource efficiencies and direction by measurement’ . this concern intelligence version has been indispensable for the concern leading to maneuver. precedences and warrant new investing. Allocating costs for use. amortising capital towards specific concern causes and using fiscal genius to acquire best revenue enhancement advantage – these all mean that the new coevals of ERP tools needs to be facilities-aware’ . They should come with tools to digest consumption’ informations ; so. whichever section had most usage of picture conferencing. or toner ink. or WAN bandwidth. or entree to out-of-hours air conditioning – it’s all in the mix now. So many systems – integrated BMS ( iBMS ) . installations reserve systems. care direction systems. cashless peddling and EPOS. CCTV and entree control – are able to force the mountains of informations they generate each twenty-four hours to other cardinal direction systems. Now IP webs are at the bosom of enabling such informations gaining control. bite and consolidation. ( Manivannan. 2012 ) 3. Review the virtues of the major services found on the DMS Website. Harmonizing to the web site. DMS is a shared service supplier that supports province bureaus and province employees through: Human Resource Support and Business Operationss: the Department of Management Services is responsible for pull offing the province forces system. including: Insurance Benefits. Florida Retirement System. Human Resource Management. DMS strives to supply the high-quality service our clients expect and deserve while diminishing the operating costs of province authorities so that more resources can be focused where they are needed most. Insurance Benefits-The Division of State Group Insurance ( DSGI ) offers and manages a comprehensive bundle of pre- and post-tax wellness and public assistance insurance benefits for active and retired province employees and their households. including: a assortment of wellness insurance options ; flexible disbursement and wellness nest eggs histories ; life insur ance ; alveolar consonant. vision and sort of insurance merchandises. Florida Retirement System=The Division of Retirement ( Division ) was established to administrate the Florida Retirement System ( FRS ) . which was created in December 1970 to consolidate bing state-administered retirement systems. Since its creative activity. the Divisions duties have expanded to include: administering ; monitoring ; supervising ; guaranting conformity. Human Resource Management- Florida’s province employees are our most valuable resource. They are the face of province authorities. The Division of Human Resource Management works with the bureau forces offices to develop human resource policies. patterns and schemes. As human resource professionals. it is our duty to guarantee that the State’s HR policies and patterns are designed to pull and back up the employees who serve the people of Florida. People First is the state’s self-service. secure. web-based forces information system and enterprise-wide suite of human resource ( HR ) services. The system streamlines and automates many of the state’s HR maps and is comprised of the undermentioned faculties: paysheet readying. attending and go forth. enlisting. benefits disposal. human resources direction. organisational direction. 4. Recommend an extra service to add to the DMS Website. With engineering today. there is a increased of the usage of portable IP-enabled devices and group content distribution applications on Wireless Mesh Networks ( WMNs ) . This rush is facilitated by its comparative low cost of installing and as such is an attractive option in environments missing bing communicating substructure and/or in times of natural exigencies. DMS would greatly benefits from this because. their employees will be able to entree the web site for information quicker when they are off from their desk. The WMNs is every bit capable of supplying high bandwidth entree to the web. The capableness of the WMNs can be enhanced by reenforcing the system with multicasting and mobility characteristics. However. there are challenges of seamless integrating when such bing multicasting and mobility characteristics of MANET and fixed webs are migrated to the WMNs sphere. Thus. a broad scope of attempts have been directed at happening solutions to these challenges in order to increase the widespread deployment of the WMNs based communicating substructure. By bring forthing a one volume comprehensive history of integrating multicasting with mobility support deployable via Wireless Mesh Networks. this work at taking at research waies in the country of incorporate nomadic multicasting on Wireless Mesh Networks. ( Sanni. Hashim. Anwar A ; etc. 2011 ) . Summary or Conclusion Florida DMS will profit from the usage of WMN added to their IP substructures. Every twenty-four hours engineering is progressing with new thoughts in covering with communications between people. DMS will go on to win in the hereafter. Mentions Stalls. W. ( 2009 ) . CIS 505: Business Datas Communicationss: Custom edition ( 6th ed. ) . Upper Saddle River. New jersey: Prentice Hall. Florida DMS hypertext transfer protocol: //www. diabetes mellitus. myflorida. com Manivannan. M. M. ( 2012 ) . Constructing around IP. Engineering A ; Technology ( 17509637 ) . 7 ( 2 ) . 78-81. doi:10. 1049/et. 2012. 0211 Alexy. O. . A ; Reitzig. M. ( 2012 ) . Pull offing the concern hazards of unfastened invention. Mckinsey Quarterly. ( 1 ) . 17-21. Sanni. M. L. . Hashim. A. A. . Anwar. F. F. . Naji. A. W. . A ; Ahmed. G. M. ( 2011 ) . Mobile Multicast in Wireless Mesh Networks. Australian Journal Of Basic A ; Applied Sciences. 5 ( 9 ) . 957-966.

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