Thursday, October 31, 2019

Marijuana Should not be Legalized Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marijuana Should not be Legalized - Essay Example People from these religions want these laws to be removed as soon as possible. The adverse effects of marijuana can never be ignored. Prolonged use may cause severe depression and other mental disorders. Moreover, American government have introduced healthy tax scheme on the cultivation, to discourage the exercise (Svrakic and Lynn 90). Origin By definition, marijuana is an American term for dried flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant. Marijuana is basically harvested from the ‘cannabis sativa’ plant. Cannabis plant, also known as hemp plant, is believed to have originated from central Asia. This plant has been found in tombs in about 8000BCE. Some details were also found about the growth of cannabis in china, for the purpose of gaining fiber from it. Cannabis is very versatile plant. It can grow in almost all climatic conditions. This is one of the reasons of its increasing growth throughout the globe.Marijuana comes from the leaves and the flower of the hemp or the cannabis plant. These parts of the plant contain a substance known as the Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This substance gives marijuana its psychoactive properties. From the date of its discovery, people call marijuana by different names. Some of them are Ganja, pot, weed, grass, dope, skunk, wacky tobacco etc. In some countries of the world, Mari juana is called as Marihuana, by replacing ‘j’ with ‘h’.How Marijuana Started Spreading Addiction

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