Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe - 1872 Words

Edgar Allen Poe sets the story in Italy during the rise of the Freemasons. As thinkers and specialists began to enter the stonemason guilds, they saw a need for the creation of exclusive social clubs. These social clubs provided members with access to other members with similar ideologies. These ideas lead to networking that would enable members to share personal networking such as financial, political, and social ties. As the social clubs grew, they eventually formed Freemasonry. With a secure network, the Masons would be able to challenge the power of the aristocratic families. The masons would support the revolutions that would lead to democracy. The perfect storm of networking and revolutions resulted in the rise of the new money elite†¦show more content†¦The black clothing Montresor wears tells two stories of the character. The image he projects is a calm and disciplined persona that lacks impulsive behaviors (Stepp 451). The clothing and black mask also give off the a ppearance of a defacto executioner accompanying his victim on his last walk (Platizky 207). In the end, Montresor’s upbringing in the old-money class of the elite has shaped his view of the world. Just as Montresor was constructed to be calm and decisive, Fortunato is portrayed as impulsive and immature. At the beginning of the story, Fortunato is introduced wearing a motley outfit. Fortunato’s outfit brilliantly represents his personality and how he is viewed by the aristocratic families of the time (Whatley 56,58). The costume builds the idea in the reader s mind that Fortunato is the exact opposite of Montresor. This opposite effect is shown through many variations throughout the story. First, Fortunato inadvertently insults Montresor when he admits that he has forgotten the Montresor family crest and motto (Stepp 447, 449). While his ignorance is not the reason for the revenge, it lets Poe depict Fortunato’s naivety (White 551). Secondly, Fortunato’s ego is on display during the walk to his demise when Fortunato is informed that Luchesi will be the one to get to test the authenticity of the Amontillado (Poe 209). This information brings out Fortunatoâ €™s ego. Fortunato believesShow MoreRelatedThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe992 Words   |  4 PagesEdgar Allen Poe had many pieces of literature, but one in particular â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† reflected his personality. It is a short story that can be read easily, and can take on many ironies. The several ironies can point to the fact that Poe himself was implanted into the story as he was a mysterious man. There are several characters with different personalities often interpreted as Poe hiding his dark side which would be â€Å"Montresor†. The other personality Fortunato could be that drunken personalityRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe953 Words   |  4 Pagesseek revenge. â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† is a short story by the American poet, editor and story writer Edgar Allen Poe. This story is a tale of revenge touching on the darker sides of human nature and at what lengths a man will go to achieve vengeance. We are told by our narrator Montresor that he had been insulted by a wealthy wine connoisseur named Fortunato. Montresor picks him out of the carnival and lures him into his wine cellar with promise of a renown sherry wine, Amontillado. Fortunato is baitedRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe1052 Words   |  5 PagesEdgar Allen Poe was one of the most famed authors of death, decay, and depression in the 18th century. Poe started his writing career during the Romantic literature period, a period focused on nature, emotions, and a fascination with the supernatural elements. As writers started to write in this new genre, works started becoming dark, with an eerie feeling and a tone of death. Out of the Romantic era came the sub-classification of the Gothic genre. Poe started to embrace this new genre and his writingsRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe1204 Words   |  5 Pagesbest could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge† (Poe 1). This l ine draws the reader into the story by bringing up questions like, what insults could have been done to deserve such revenge? The uniqueness in the question itself is that it turns the table of a classic mystery or gothic story (Mcgarth). Instead of asking â€Å"who did it,† the question is, â€Å"why did he do it† (Baraban Motive for Murder in Cask of Amontillado ). Montresor uses Fortunato’s strengthens and turns them intoRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe851 Words   |  4 Pagesabout â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† Do hate someone, but act like they are your best friend to get something that you want from them? Edgar Allen Poe does in his story â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† as he uses Montresor to tell Fortunato’s journey to catacombs and how he â€Å"conceives and executes an ingenious plan... for revenging† Fortunato (Gruesser 129). In â€Å"The cask of Amontillado† Poe uses tone, plot devices, and the setting to present the theme of appearances masking reality. To begin, Poe uses one toRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe1025 Words   |  5 PagesJared Mourning English II Prof. Platt Thursday, March 3, 2016 Fortunato’s Misfortune In â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado,† Edgar Allen Poe issues a warning that even your closest friends can stab you in the back when you insult them in the right way. Poe perfectly portrays the way someone you think is your best friend could just as well be your biggest enemy. In â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† Edgar Allen Poe uses Montresor’s point of view, plot, and symbolism to convey the cold, merciless man who is MontresorRead More`` Cask Of Amontillado `` By Edgar Allen Poe1505 Words   |  7 PagesEdgar Allen Poe was a writer who sculpted every detail to create his desired â€Å"theme†. His short stories are mostly representing the murder of a character. The murderer, who is the narrator, explains the plan for the murder. The narrator destroys the humans around him through his destructive mind. The reason for the murder is revenge and hatred. In â€Å"Cask of Amontillado† and â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† Poe utilized â€Å"unreliable na rrators,† he even created similarities between murder and victim to establishRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe1492 Words   |  6 Pages McMullen 531-06 1 September 2014 Summer Reading The Cask of Amontillado In The Cask of Amontillado, by Edgar Allen Poe, Montressor is able to successfully manipulate Fortunato s arrogance and pride and use it against him as revenge. Montressor knows that Fortunato has a love for wine. Montressor tells Fortunato that he may have acquired Amontillado, a very nice wine. Montressor is not quite sure if the wine is Amontillado, but since Fotunato appears to be occupied Montressor saysRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe1723 Words   |  7 Pages Were Montresor’s action in The Cask of Amontillado justified? Is killing someone justifiable? In Edgar Allen Poe’s short story The Cask of Amontillado that question is one that could be asked. The short story is about a man named Montresor and his quest to get revenge on his foe Fourtando who has apparently insulted Montresor. Around the time of the carnival season Montresor leaves his house to go find Fourtando and get his revenge he tells none of his servants toRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado, By Edgar Allen Poe884 Words   |  4 PagesIn â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado,† by Edgar Allen Poe, one finds the horror throughout its pages. The ideas of unexplained revenge and images of scenes only getting darker and colder cause one to have feelings of dread and disbelief. The protagonist, Montresor, has waited fifty years to tell his story, and one has to question the reliability of what he is saying. Questions of true justice and the power of an insult arise, only magnifying those ideas of horror. In â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado ,† one sees a

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Movie Analysis Million Dollar Baby - 1273 Words

Movie Analysis: Million Dollar Baby Million Dollar Baby is a movie produced by Clint Eastwood and stars Eastwood, Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman in lead roles. In this movie we see, Maggie Fitzgerald portrayed by Hilary Swank is a boxer in the lightweight category who breaks her neck during an unfair fight. She ends up being in the hospital with a severed spinal cord leading to quadriplegic state and kept alive on mechanical ventilation. Her coach Frankie, played by Clint Eastwood goes through the different phases of grief. While laying in hospital bed, she develops skin ulcers due to not being able to change positions. Then she is moved to a rehabilitation center where she is in her bed or her wheelchair. Due to complications, her leg gets amputated, which is a shock to her as well as Frankie. After her amputation, she says she can t be like this referring to her quadriplegic state and letting go of her dream to become a boxer. To end her plight, Maggie bites her own tongue to end her life, but she is saved i n time by healthcare providers. Maggie explains her feeling to Frankie that she wants to die and needs his help. Frankie is in a dilemma-should he help her die or not because he wants to keep her alive and he knows it s a sin if he helps her commit suicide. He understands that she is suffering and even keeping her alive is killing her. Ultimately, Frankie goes to Maggie s hospital room, take her off mechanical ventilation and injects her withShow MoreRelatedNormative Ethics And Ethical Ethics Essay1434 Words   |  6 PagesNormative ethics is defined as the study of ethical action, or in other words, the analysis of how one should act when faced with a dilemma, morally speaking. It evaluates the standards with regard the rightness and wrongness of an act. Descriptive ethics investigates moral beliefs while normative ethics evaluates actions. 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Money Can Buy Happiness Free Essays

Can money buy you happiness? It is a classical debate, sparked by the left-wing communists and religious leaders who suggest that a person can live a full life without the pursuit of money, and instead one must look to a more spiritual existence above the material desires. It is perhaps conceivable in a century gone by where people grew all their food and believed in witches, that a human could forge a fulfilling existence without the need of money to satisfy our desires. However in today’s society money can not only buy happiness, but is a major factor for happiness. We will write a custom essay sample on Money Can Buy Happiness or any similar topic only for you Order Now Findings by the Institute of Economic Affairs show that happiness levels correlate with the amount of wealth a person accumulates. And, in contrast to popular belief, it does not level off when the assets reach a certain threshold. Money enables us to buy goods and services that we want. When we satisfy these wants we feel fulfilled, happy and pleased because we as humans love getting what we want. Money can give us experiences and opportunities that we would otherwise never be able to have. It can open doors to elite schooling, worldwide trips and making a difference in the world via charity. Money allows us to live a carefree, happy life because we don’t have financial strain. Money makes the world go round because it buys happiness, that’s why we spend hours a day slaving away to earn it. It is the key that unlocks the door to happiness. Humans have material needs and money provides the ability to satisfy these tangible needs and wants. Satisfying the want for a new dress or the need for medicine brings on the psychological state of happiness because we have satisfied those desires. The dress you bought from that exclusive store helps you to be confident and happy and the medicine helps cure a loved one. Have you ever felt left out because you see something you want, but can’t afford it? Perhaps all of your friends have the latest iPhone and you’re stuck with your parents old embarrassing Nokia brick from 2001 because you can’t afford an iPhone. Money can buy that iPhone and can help you feel included consequently bringing on joy and happiness. Ever gone without the basic necessities, electricity, clothing or water? Money buys them too. It helps improve your standard of living. From luxury items to everyday basics money permits us to experience happiness through consumerism and the act of satisfying our needs and wants. It is the experiences and opportunities that come with money that make you happy. Money pays for the trip that lets you experience a new culture, a new cuisine or helps establish lifelong friendships. It is sometimes the memories in life that you find more happiness in than material goods. The happy memories that money buys. Perhaps you find happiness in charity work. Why devote a few hours of your time when you can enrich someone with the power of money? They then have the opportunity to rebuild their lives from the money you give them and increase their living standards and happiness. Making a donation to charity not only helps others, it can make the giver mentally tougher, physically stronger and more popular, researchers from Harvard University have found out. Elite schooling and university offer endless opportunities for an individual to become an educated, well rounded and valued member of the community. It opens doors to exclusive jobs and bigger bank accounts. Success brings satisfaction and contributes to your overall happiness as life’s doors are always open to you. You are not closed off from potential opportunities that may arise. As we all know elite schooling and university doesn’t come for free, money pays for the education and opportunities that come with it. Without travel, charity and education life would be boring, bland and unfulfilling, money gives us those experiences and prospects that we all look forward to. Money offers a carefree lifestyle. With big banks accounts you don’t have to worry about paying rent, mortgages, school fees, health care and life’s other expenses. For someone who does not have a moderate amount of money these are stressful issues they have to deal every time they go to their letterbox. Stress can affect both your body and your mind, people can become exhausted, sick and unable to focus. It is the complete reverse of happiness. For someone who is better off financially bills occupy much less of their time and thus stress is eliminated from their lives. Home life can be miserable and tense when money is scarce. Couples bicker on average 2,455 times a year and of that number issues of money equate to 315 arguments. Money buys security and an un-troubled existence, money relieves financial stress and thus helps increase happiness. If someone was to offer you a million dollars, no strings attached, would you accept it? Chances are you would, and you would be happy about it because money can buy happiness. In life we have the option to live how we want, no one forces us to live a consumerist lifestyle. We choose to. You know there must be a connection to money and happiness. If there weren’t, no one would work for that lucrative promotion, perhaps no one work at all. Why would we spend all our lives pursuing it? For those living in third world countries that may be happy, it is unfortunately because it’s a case of they can’t miss what they’ve never had. Our society has made money a factor of happiness and I don’t hear anyone complaining. If money can’t buy you happiness then you are not spending it right. How to cite Money Can Buy Happiness, Essay examples